Trade data from China is the focus on the calendar. Please note that the time, 0300 GMT below, is approximate only.
Exports are expected to have grown, but at a slower pace than in March. March benefited from ongoing filling of back orders, this is expected to have dissipated somewhat in April. Signs of cooler offshore demand is also expected to weigh. Meanwhile imports are also expected to have grown at a slower pace, if so this'll be another sign of the less than strong domestic economy, although its on the improve.
- This snapshot from the ForexLive economic data calendar, access it here.
- The times in the left-most column are GMT.
- The numbers in the right-most column are the 'prior' (previous month/quarter as the case may be) result. The number in the column next to that, where there is a number, is the consensus median expected.
I’ve noted data for New Zealand and Australia with text as the similarity of the little flags can sometimes be confusing.