I'm sure you'll find this plastered all over the place, but ICYMI, the first round of the election in France has seen gains for the far-roght party led by Marine Le Pen.

Politico have a good summary:

  • According to early estimates by pollsters Ipsos, the far-right National Rally is on course to win 34 percent of Sunday’s vote
  • while French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance suffered staggering losses, coming third with 20.3 percent of vote.
  • The left-wing alliance made a strong showing with 28.1 percent of the vote.

Link is here for more, check it out if you are interested.

The usual suspects are already pontificating on social media with their absolute certainty of what will happen. LOL. Amateurs.

Check out credible sites such as Politico for the latest.

France Vote