USD/JPY retraced much, but not all, of its overnight move lower in the lead-up to the Bank of Japan statement. The USD traded a touch higher against other major FX also. The yield on the 10 year JGB approached 1.0% ahead of the statement, following the Nikkei report on Monday, US time, that the BOJ would extend the yield tolerance limit to 1.5%.

The Bank of Japan Statement made a minor tweak to policy, that the 1% cap for 10-year JGB yields was set more formally in place, from 0.5% previously. The 1.5% cap mooted by the Nikkei did not come to fruition. USD/JPY was marked higher, back to 150 on the announcement. With added flexibility to the JGB cap the BoJ is looking to hold ultra easy policy in place for still some time to come.

Check out the post on the Statement above, the summary points contain revisions made to the bank’s forecasts for inflation ahead, higher;

  • core CPI fiscal 2023 median forecast at +2.8% vs +2.5% in July
  • core CPI fiscal 2024 median forecast at +2.8% vs +1.9% in July
  • core CPI fiscal 2025 median forecast at +1.7% vs +1.6% in July
usdyen boj response 31 October 2023

How the Bank of Japan explained the 1% cap:

ycc flexibility 31 October 2023