PBOC governor Pan Gongsheng, NFRA* director Li Yunze, and CSRC* president Wu Qing joined forces for a 9 am (Beijing time) press conference that generated bombshell monetary policy stimulus headlines that were subsequently withdrawn.

The Governor of the People’s Bank of China was reported (erroneously) as saying the Bank had:

  • cut the Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) by 50bp,
  • cut the 7-day Reverse Repo rate to 1.5%, from 1.7%

What the governor actually said was that the Bank will, at some time, make these cuts. He did not offer a firm timeline. The cuts are something the Bank will do, but not right away. Unfortunately the headlines reported the cuts as having been made, which was incorrect. Thankfully ForexLive reported the correct news.

However, the misreporting was seized upon by traders thirsting for stimulus from China, with stocks jumping higher. There has been retracement but Chinese stocks are net higher on the session. AUD/USD also jumped and is now mid-range for the session as I post.

Other measures announced (with no time line) at the Chinese press conference included:

  • will cut down payments for 2nd homes
  • will cut outstanding mortgage rates for individual borrowers by an average of 0.5%
  • will allow funds and brokers to tap PBoC funding to buy stocks
  • MLF will be lowered by 0.3%
  • LPR will be lowered by 0.2 to 0.25%

The “will allow funds and brokers to tap PBoC funding to buy stocks” garnered much attention. A fund to stabilise equity markets is, of course, bullish for China stocks, but we await more detail on this.

Otherwise news and data flow was fairly light.

Still to come is the Reserve Bank of Australia statement and Governor Bullock’s press conference. The RBA is widely expected to leave the cash rate unchanged today.

And, still more to come, is Bank of Japan Governor Ueda speaking at a meeting with Business Leaders in Osaka (0105 US Eastern time, 0505 GMT).


*NFRA is China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration

*CSRC is the China Securities Regulatory Commission


Shanghai Composite hourly

Shanghai Composite hourly wrap 24 September 2024 2