There were small-scale swings across much of major FX during the session but the notable move was a lower USD/JPY.

Data from Japan was for the October Corporate Services Price Index (i.e. Services PPI), which rose 2.3% y/y vs. the +2.1% that was expected. This data point is not normally too much of a yen mover but it had an outsized impact today. The details revealed a lift in labour costs. You’ll recall that the Bank of Japan is eyeing Spring wage negotiations for signs of inflation pressure being sustained by demand-pull factors such as rising pay. If the Bank is convinced rising wages will support stable and sustainable inflation at or above its 2% target then the Bank can pivot away from negative rates. I think it’s a stretch to say that's what today’s data is showing, but I concede it does go part of the way. Regardless of what I think or concede though, the move into yen today is suggestive of the market now paying heightened attention to any signs of wage growth.

In other news:

  • Profits at China’s industrial companies rose at a much slower pace in October than in September (YTD is still negative). The rise is welcome but the pace indicates that China’s economic recovery remains fragile.
  • China noted multiple central government departments pledge to support private enterprises' growth, including the People’s Bank of China.
  • China’s health authorities said the surge in mycoplasma-caused pneumonia in children shows signs of ebbing, warned that other respiratory illnesses are likely to hit during winter, and that the current outbreak is not caused by a novel virus
  • Joe Biden will not attend the Cop28 climate meeting in Dubai
  • A US Navy intervened in a pirate attack on a tanker in Middle East waters, arresting the hijackers. The US ship came under missile attack after its action but shot down the inbound projectiles before damage was done.
  • There was an exchange of Hamas-held hostages for prisoners over the weekend.
usdyen wrap chart Monday, 27 November 2023