Bank of Japan policy board member Junko Nakagawa spoke during the session here today (coinciding with the Harris-Trump debate … more on that, briefly, to come). Nakagawa repeated what we have heard from Governor Ueda and other Bank officials that the degree of monetary accommodation will be adjusted, depending on price, economic and financial conditions:

  • real interest rates remain deeply negative, accommodative monetary conditions maintained
  • BOJ likely to adjust degree of monetary easing if economy, prices move in line with its projection

Following her comments, USD/JPY briefly dropped to around 141.50 and an eight month high for JPY. After a rebound towards 142.00 USD/JPY has slid again, and as I post its testing to new lows under 141.50.

Speaking of central banks, we also had a speech and added comments from Sarah Hunter, Assistant Governor (Economic) at the Reserve Bank of Australia. Hunter dropped no hints of any imminent RBA rate cut.

The Harris vs. Trump debate was a key political focus. These debates rarely shed much light on policy positions, and this was little different. There was some discussion of economic policy, but it was light on and didn’t add to what we already know. Other issues dominated. US yields dribbled lower and EUR/USD higher, indicating that Harris was likely perceived by markets as the ‘winner’. Betting markets seemed to come down narrowly on Harris’ side also, this screenshot via Bloomberg on ‘PredictIt’ odds:

harrsi trump betting

As for celebrity endorsements, Taylor Swift posted on IG after the debate that she would be voting for Harris. I don’t think was much of a surprise.