

  • USD down 0.3%, NZD lead (+0.6%), ZAR lags (-1%), GBP and EUR up 0.3%
  • European equities broadly higher: FTSE up 1.25%, DAX up 1.6%, STOXX 50 up1.3%
  • S&P 500 futures up 1.15%
  • US 10-year yields: 1.76%, up 1.6bps
  • Gold: up 0.36% @ 1803
  • WTI: down 1% @ 87.27
  • Bitcoin: up 1.30% @ 38900

The session started with plenty of data, with some shocking Retale Sales numbers out of Germany being the highlight (or should that be lowlight?). A negative print of down 5.5% in December, on the MoM metric, does not inspire confidence and adds further weight to the notion that it's downhill from here on the inflation print front.

In the geopolitical/energy space, there has been some most welcome news out of Russia, with the news that Moscow is pumping gas to Europe via Ukraine at pre-tension levels. This has given RUB a bid and European Natty a slap lower. Right now, Dutch NG is down 10%

Stay awesome and keep it tight!

