I seem to be posting the 'Goldman Sachs forecast $100 oil' around once a week or so.

This, for example from February 5:

They're at it again, same dollar number forecast. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just don't treat it as new news.

In a nutshell, crude prices should rise to $100/bbl by the end of the year due to

  • underinvestment
  • shale constraints
  • OPEC discipline
  • and strong Chinese demand

From the horse's mouth, GS say $100 by the end of the year is on the radar:

  • “as the market pivots back to deficit with underinvestment, shale constraints and OPEC discipline ensuring supply does not meet demand”


Its been heavy going for the stuff:

oil wti Goldman Sachs forecast 22 February 2023

While the slide for equities on Tuesday had fingers pointing at strong economic data likely to incite further Federal Reserve rate hikes the moribund oil price has fingers pointing at a weaker economy weighing on demand. Go figure.