China covid testing

A health schism has opened up between Hong Kong and mainland China.

We are quickly approaching the point where Hong Kong and its 7.5 million residents abandon the idea of keeping omicron out.

Today officials confirmed 129 new cases and 22 cases of unknown origin, which are the most in this wave. We're also in the midst of the week-long lunar new year holidays. There are advisories against gatherings but unlike in the mainland, they're loosely enforced.

Hospital Authority chief executive Tony Ko Pat-sing said the situation in Hong Kong nearing a critical level.

“The chance of a mass outbreak has reached a critical level and it could pound in the manner of a tsunami any time,” he said in a blog post. “We urge, yet again, that everyone should try to stay home and avoid gatherings involving more than one family. Let’s hold this defence line together," he said.

In terms of the public attitude, here's the top-voted comment on the SCMP's reporting of the latest cases:

"Lets hold this defence line together" thanks, if we were to get back to zero then our jab rates will drop again, more restrictions not less will come into play (to keep it at zero) and we will never get out of this. Keep doing what you are doing omicron, slow and steady please so we don't swamp the hospitals but a few hundred or even a thousand a day is fine by me. Then we will be living with the virus like the rest of the world and can maybe actually get some benefits that come with that (dining past 6pm, end of quarantine hotels).

You have to wonder how long it will be before that sentiment settles into the mainland. I can't imagine the people of Xi'an will be ready for another three-week total lockdown any time soon.