J.P. Morgan/Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is speaking at a NYT/Dealbook summit and says:

  • May be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades
  • Oil and gas can be explosive and it hurts poor nations
  • China/Taiwan more will eventually happen
  • US as a nation should not be complacent
  • We should fix our reliance on supply chain from China
  • I am not afraid of China. We should engage with China, good for American bank to be there
  • Always talking to China about right way to deal with security risk
  • Politics is personal. We get involved in policy. We need better immigration policy. We need better education policy.
  • Whoever is president, I will do my best to help the president for the good of the American people
  • Believes there is a higher likelihood of an additional rate hike compared to others' views.
  • Considers the probability of a soft economic landing to be lower than what others anticipate.

His comments are largely big picture, geopolitical, global.