Moody's places Israel's A1 ratings on review for downgrade

  • Israel's backed senior unsecured rating has been affirmed at aaa
  • On Israel says placed on review for downgrade Israel's a1 foreign-currency and local-currency senior unsecured ratings
  • Says Israel's backed senior unsecured rating has been affirmed at aaa
  • Says placed on review for downgrade Israel's (p)A1 foreign-currency senior unsecured shelf and senior unsecured MTN programme ratings
  • Will also assess whether the conflict will interrupt or reverse previously expected positive trends in debt metrics in Israel
  • Says the review period may be longer than the typical three months
  • Says due to conflict there is a diversion risk of resources, investment drop, loss of confidence, which may undermine economic outlook

Moody's cite negatives due to conflict.

more to come

The shekel had been pointing this way already. Like everything else ILS had been weak against the strong dollar, but that worsened notably after the terror attacks and escalation.

shekel 20 October 2023