Pres. Biden is on the wires saying:

  • If Russia is sincere about addressing security concerns through dialogue, US and its allies will continue to engage in good faith
  • If Russia chose to walk away from this policy and attacked Ukraine, Russia will face swift and severe consequences


  • China's ambassador to the United Nations is saying that China does not view Russian troop buildup at Ukraine border as a threat
  • Russia's ambassador to the UN is not refusing to discuss situation in Ukraine. We just don't understand what we are discussing here today
  • Russia has frequently deployed troops within its own territory without causing hysterics
  • there is no proof Russia is planning military action against Ukraine
  • Russian ambassador as talk of war is provocative, accuses US of wanting to make the words "become a reality"

Nothing particularly new as the drama continues to attract modest market attention.

Of course if there is some military action, things would get ugly as economic sanctions and potential military action from the US and Europe would go into play, and retaliation from Russia would upset the apple cart in oil, wheat, growth with Europe vulnerable ( not to mention human toll)..