strong US dollar washington flex

TD Securities outlines its strategic perspective on the USD's trajectory, recommending fading the recent rallies of EUR, GBP, CAD, and CHF against the USD due to a divergence in inflation and growth expectations between the US and G10 countries.

Key Points:

  • Short-Term Outlook: In the immediate weeks ahead, short-term factors such as positioning and historical fair value (HFFV) indicate potential USD downside.
  • Medium-Term Bullishness on USD: Over the next 3-6 months, TD foresees strengthening USD as inflation divergence between the US and G10 becomes more pronounced, despite global growth starting to show signs of convergence.
  • Growth and Inflation Dynamics: While global growth revisions are showing convergence, inflation in the US remains distinctively higher compared to G10, suggesting less likelihood of a synchronized monetary policy easing.
  • Currency Strategy: TD advises strategically positioning for a stronger USD by fading the recent appreciations in EUR, GBP, CAD, and CHF, which they view as temporary and misaligned with broader economic indicators.


TD's analysis supports a bullish outlook for the USD in the medium term based on sustained inflation differentials and recommends capitalizing on recent counter-trend moves in other major currencies.

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