There hasn't been a better time to own the Russell 2000 since the year 2000. The five-day rally from 2029 to 2251 is a whopping 10.9% including 2.9% today.

This run is the best five-day run since April 2000, according to Tom Hearden.

Russell 2000
Russell 2000 now

That period in April/May 2000 was a counter-trend rally after the 1999/2000 tech bust and recession. The index later crashed in Aug/Sept 2001 as part of a violent history throughout that era that included 50% moves that later retraced and then sprung again. The influence of the Fed is certainly visible in some of these moves.

Russell 2000 in the 2000s era
Russell 2000 in the 2000s era

I don't see many comparables between now and then as I see this era and the latest move as part of a breakout from a long period of consolidation. That said, the market is certainly sniffing out a Fed rate cut and some benefits from AI on margins (though here is a compelling argument against AI valuations).