Tokyo CPI for July 2024

Excluding Fresh Food & Energy 1.5% y/y

  • expected 1.6%, prior 1.8%

Excluding Fresh Food 2.2% y/y

  • expected 2.2%, prior 2.1%

Headline CPI 2.2%

  • expected 2.3%, prior 2.3%

USD/JPY fell earlier:

Not a lot of change since then:

usdyen tokyo cpi 26 July 2024


Tokyo area inflation data:

  • National-level CPI data for this month will follow in about three weeks, it takes longer to gather and collate the national data.
  • Tokyo CPI is a sub-index of the national CPI
  • It measures the change in prices of goods and services in the Tokyo metropolitan area
  • Its considered a leading indicator of national CPI trends because Tokyo is the largest city in Japan and is a major economic hub
  • Historically, Tokyo CPI data has been just slightly higher than national Japan CPI data. The cost of living in Tokyo is a touch higher than in most other parts of Japan. Higher rents, for example