• Prior 74k; revised to 79k
  • October ILO unemployment rate 3.7% vs 3.7% expected
  • Prior 3.6%
  • October average weekly earnings +6.1% vs +6.1% 3m/y expected
  • Prior +6.0%
  • October average weekly earnings (ex bonus) +6.1% vs +5.9% 3m/y expected
  • Prior +5.7%

The report continues to exemplify that labour market conditions are still holding up well in the UK, with a rise of 3.2% in payrolled employees seen since February 2020. That said, pay growth in real terms (adjusted for inflation ) continue to record a fall - both in total and regular pay - and that just points to how difficult the working/living conditions are at the moment and why we are seeing the strikes mentioned here.

In August to October, pay growth fell by 2.7% - which is among the largest falls since comparable records began in 2001.