New home
  • Prior month +0.739M revised to 0.751M
  • Home sales % change MoM -4.7% versus +10.3% last month
  • Home supply 7.8 months versus 7.3 months prior
  • Median sale price -4.6% to $420,600
  • The 30 year mortgage rate has come down to 6.13%.

Earlier today, mortgage applications increased by 11.0% after a 14.2% increase last week.

Yields have start move back to the upside with the 2-year now up 2.3 basis points at 3.543%. The 10 year yield is up 3.6 basis points at 3.771%.

The EURUSD is back below the 1.1200 level after reaching a new 2024 high at 1.12133.. There is a support down to 1.1184. A move back below that level would be a disappointment for the buyers on the sale the break.