US stock markets started lower today but found a footing early and slowly climbed the hill. Overall volatility was lower than it's been and newsflow was light but the bulls should be encouraged by another positive close, led by smaller caps today.

On the day:

  • S&P 500 +0.2%
  • Nasdaq Comp +0.2%
  • DJIA +0.2%
  • Russell 2000 +0.35%
  • Toronto TSX Comp flat

On the week:

  • S&P 500 +3.9%
  • Nasdaq Comp +5.3%
  • DJIA +2.9%
  • Russell 2000 +2.9%
  • Toronto TSX Comp +3.3% (best weekly close ever)

The weekly gain in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq was the largest since last October.

Nasdaq Comp weekly
Nasdaq Comp weekly