- Prior was +5521K
- Gasoline -3658K vs -1160K exp
- Distillates -1915K vs -1600K exp
- Refinery utilization -1.8% vs +2.6% exp
- Production mbpd 13.3 mbpd vs 13.3 mbpd
- Impld mogas demand: 8.17 mbpd vs 8.81 mbpd prior
Private oil inventories from late yesterday:
- Crude +8520K
- Gasoline -7230K
- Distillates -4016K
- Cushing +512K
Oil dipped to $77.75 after the data from $78.30 beforehand. When you zoom out, US inventories are on track to end winter below last year's levels but a few more weeks like this would change that.