Will there be a reaction?

  • Dow industrial average -427 points or -1.05%
  • S&P index -36.33 points or -0.67%
  • NASDAQ index -21 points or -0.13% at 17063

In the US debt market:

  • 2-year yield 3.749%, -2.2 basis points
  • 5-year yield 3.542%, -2.4 basis points
  • 10- year yield 3.740%, -2 point basis points
  • 30- year yield 4.037%, -3.0 basis points

At the end of his prepared remarks:

  • Dow -297 points or -0.73%
  • S&P -25.94 points or -0.47%
  • Nasdaq +7.73 points or +0.05%

In the US yield curve:

  • 2-year 3.747%, -2.2 basis points
  • 5 year 3.540%, -2.6 basis points
  • 10-year 3.734%, -3.3 basis points
  • 30-year 4.027%, -4.0 basis points.