One of the books that has lingered with me over the past two years is Charles Goodhart's book "The Great Demographic Reversal".

The main thesis is that an aging population and the end of the demographic dividend from globalization is inflationary. At the time he wrote the book, it got a bit of attention but with prices now rising and signs that workers are gaining power over wages, it's getting a fresh look.

Today the WSJ published a story about the 85-year old author and an interview with him.

It also cites ECB Governing Council member Isabel Schnabel.

“I take the things Charles says very seriously... Charles wants to alert us that we shouldn’t take for granted that the world ahead of us is going to look the same as it did in the recent past.”

The book isn't easy reading, even to those well-versed in economics but its concepts and premise address the single-most important concept in economics/markets in the decade ahead so I highly recommend it.

great demograhic reversal