Nasdaq leads the month charge forward

The major US stock indices are ending the day with declines but it could have been worse.

The final numbers are showing:

  • The S&P fell -9.21 points oro -0.30% at 3037.56. Yesterday was a record close. So the decline today is makes it easy. No record today. The high price reached 3046.90 . The low was down at 3023.19.
  • The Nasdaq fell -11.617 points or -0.14% at 8292.35. The high reached 8321.80. The low extended to 8248.80
  • The Dow is closing down -140.46 points or -0.52% at 27046.23. The high reached 27188.37. The low extended down to 26918.29
The % changes of the major stock indices today

Today is also month end (Happy Halloween). The major indices are ending the month higher.

  • Dow, up 0.48%
  • S&P up 2.04%
  • Nasdaq up 3.66%.

For the year, the major indices are still showing strong gains after the down year in 2018.

  • Dow, +15.94%
  • S&P, +21.17%
  • Nasdaq, +24.97%.