

Heads up: ECB speakers coming up later today

Heads up: ECB speakers coming up later today

  • The ECB forum on central banking is the focus this week
Justin Low
Tuesday, 28/06/2022 | 06:59 GMT
28/06/2022 | 06:59 GMT

Canadian CPI highlights the economic calendar along with a slate of central bank speakers

Canadian CPI highlights the economic calendar along with a slate of central bank speakers

  • What's coming up in North American trade, including Powell
Adam Button
Wednesday, 22/06/2022 | 12:07 GMT
22/06/2022 | 12:07 GMT
Technical Analysis

AUDUSD extends to lower swing area

AUDUSD extends to lower swing area

  • Price of the AUDUSD is down for the 5th day
Greg Michalowski
Tuesday, 14/06/2022 | 18:41 GMT
14/06/2022 | 18:41 GMT
Central Banks

Japan's Matsuno says desirable for currencies to move in line with fundamentals

Japan's Matsuno says desirable for currencies to move in line with fundamentals

Eamonn Sheridan
Monday, 13/06/2022 | 02:02 GMT
13/06/2022 | 02:02 GMT

European major indices close lower on the day

European major indices close lower on the day

  • Major indices close near the middle/lower end of the trading range
Greg Michalowski
Wednesday, 08/06/2022 | 15:48 GMT
08/06/2022 | 15:48 GMT
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